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Items where Year is 2004

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Number of items: 38.

Samar Al Sayegh-Petkovšek (2004) Biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae in fagus stands in differently polluted forest research plots. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 5-19. ISSN 0351-3114

Katarina Čufar and Bernd Kromer (2004) Radiocarbon dating of tree-ring chronologies from Hočevarica. In: Hočevarica : eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju. Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae (8). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, pp. 281-285. ISBN 961-6500-28-7

Katarina Čufar and Maja Lozar Štamcar (2004) Dendrochronological dating of a wooden ceiling from the Šteberk Mansion near Cerknica. ARGO, 47 (2). pp. 74-80. ISSN 0570-8869

Katarina Čufar and Nicoletta Martinelli (2004) Teleconnection of chronologies from Hočevarica and Palù di Livenza. In: Hočevarica: eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju. Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae (8). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, pp. 286-289. ISBN 961-6500-28-7

Katarina Čufar and Anton Velušček (2004) Dendrochronological research of the Hočevarica pile dwelling settlement. In: Hočevarica: eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju. Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae (8). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, pp. 274-280. ISBN 961-6500-28-7

Katarina Čufar and Anton Velušček (2004) Hočevarica: absolute dating. In: Hočevarica: eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju = an eneolithic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje. Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae (8). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, pp. 263-273. ISBN 961-6500-28-7

Andreja Ferreira (2004) Socialno-demografska gibanja v občini Bohinj v obdobju od leta 1961 do 2002. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Tine Grebenc and Hojka Kraigher (2004) Molekularna analiza bioloških vzorcev: SOP FIGE MET 001: velja od 01.03.2004. Technical Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Jožica Gričar and Katarina Čufar (2004) Application of transmission electron microscopy and UV-microspectrophotometry for detection of lignin in cell wall of conifers. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 89-104. ISSN 0351-3114

Jožica Gričar and Katarina Čufar (2004) Warty layer. Les=Wood: revija o lesu in pohištvu, 56 (9). pp. 274-277. ISSN 0024-1067

Jožica Gričar and Katarina Čufar (2004) Secondary Cell Wall Formation and Lignification of Latewood Tracheids near Cambium in Silver Fir (Abies alba) during Dormant Period. Znanstveno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji . pp. 137-143.

Jožica Gričar and Martin Zupančič and Katarina Čufar and Primož Oven (2004) Response of cambium in Norway spruce (Picea abies) to heating and cooling of stem. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 135-146. ISSN 0351-3114

Tanja Grič and Ivan Kos (2004) Forest stand structure influences biodiversity. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 105-121. ISSN 0351-3114

Milan Hafner (2004) Does the fluctuating asymmetry in horn length in Chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) reflect the quality and age of the animal. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0351-3114

David Hladnik (2004) Assessing spatial structure in the beech and silver fir forest stands. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 165-186. ISSN 0351-3114

Milan Hočevar and Gal Kušar and Tomaž Cunder (2004) Monitoring and analysis of spontaneous afforestation of Karst landscape in GIS environment. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 21-52. ISSN 0351-3114

Kristjan Jarni and Dušan Robič and Andrej Bončina (2004) Analysis of the influece of ungulates on the regeneration of Dinaric fir-beech forests in the research site Trnovec in the Kočevje forest managementregion. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 141-164. ISSN 0351-3114

Matej Jošt and Jože Resnik and Milan Šernek (2004) Influence of thermal treatment temperature on the dielectric properties of wood. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 123-135. ISSN 0351-3114

Dušan Jurc and Nikica Ogris and Andrej Piltaver and Amadeo Dolenc (2004) Seznam vrst in razširjenost makromicet v Sloveniji z analizo stopnje ogroženosti: ciljni raziskovalni program "Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006". Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Maja Jurc (2004) Insect pathogens with special reference to pathogens of bark beetles (COL. Solytidae: Ips typographus L.) : preliminary results of isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from two spruce bark beetles in Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 97-124. ISSN 0351-3114

Aleš Kadunc (2004) Growth characteristics of common ash (fraxinus excelsior l.) in Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 63-88. ISSN 0351-3114

Janez Krč and Boštjan Košir (2004) Labour costs in diverse forest work conditions and utilization of wood harvesters. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 105-120. ISSN 0351-3114

Janez Krč and Iztok Winkler (2004) Determination of increased forest value in denationalization procedures. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 125-139. ISSN 0351-3114

Lado Kutnar and Mihej Urbančič and Andrej Martinčič and Matjaž Čater and Polona Kalan and Igor Smolej and Primož Simončič (2004) Pestrost posebnih gozdnih ekosistemov kot kazalnik rastiščnih razmer in gospodarjenja: zaključno poročilo projekta št. V4-0438-01. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Špela Malovrh and Boštjan Košir and Janez Krč (2004) Harvester operator learnig efficiency analysis. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 53-69. ISSN 0351-3114

Aleksander Marinšek and Jurij Diaci (2004) Development of the initial phase after wind throw in the virgin forest remnant Ravna gora. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 31-50. ISSN 0351-3114

Barbara Mihelič and Tomaž Mihelič (2004) The influence of certain ecological factors on the appearence of Hazel goruse Bonasa bonasia in Bohinj. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 121-133. ISSN 0351-3114

Nikica Ogris and Sašo Džeroski and Maja Jurc (2004) Windthrow factors - a case study on Pokljuka. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 59-76. ISSN 0351-3114

Primož Oven and Martin Zupančič and Maks Merela and Niko Torelli (2004) Anatomy of reaction zones in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 51-62. ISSN 0351-3114

Dejan Perčič and Katarina Čufar and Martin Zupančič (2004) Dendrokronološke raziskave lesa iz stavb pri Sv. Primožu nad Kamnikom. Kamniški zbornik (17). pp. 269-274. ISSN 1318-9069

Boštjan Pokorny and Miha Adamič and Cvetka Ribarič-Lasnik (2004) Nihajoča asimetrija rogovja srnjakov (Capreolus capreolus L.) kot kazalec onesnaženosti okolja in pripomoček za upraljanje s populacijami. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 4-40. ISSN 0351-3114

Boštjan Pokorny and Miha Adamič (2004) Fluctuating asymmetry (with emphasis on deer antler asymmetry) as an early warning system : principles, findings and options for implication. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (73). pp. 137-159. ISSN 0351-3114

Marjana Pučko and Tine Grebenc and Gregor Božič and Robert Brus and Hojka Kraigher (2004) Identification of types of ectomycorrhizae on seedlings in a beech provenance trial. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 87-104. ISSN 0351-3114

Miro Tomažič and Matjaž Pavlič and Borut Kričej and Primož Štefe and Marko Petrič (2004) Influence of atrificial accelerated weathering on properties of surface coatings on non-modified and modified wood. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 77-96. ISSN 0351-3114

Anton Velušček and Katarina Čufar and Metka Culiberg and Borut Toškan and Janez Dirjec and Vesna Malez and Franc Janžekovič and Marijan Govedič (2004) Črešnja pri Bistri, a newly discovered pile-dwelling settlement in the Ljubljansko barje. Arheološki vestnik = Acta archaeologica, 55 . pp. 39-54. ISSN 0570-8966

Urša Vilhar and Igor Smolej and Tadeja Trošt Sedej and Lado Kutnar and Hojka Kraigher (2004) Biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae in a norway spruce stands on Pokljuka. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (75). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0351-3114

Željko Zečić and Ante P. B. Krpan (2004) Proizvodnost in stroški dela pri redčenju gorskih sestojev listavcev. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (74). pp. 41-57. ISSN 0351-3114

Martin Zupančič and Andrej Jazbec and Katarina Čufar (2004) Wood analysis and restoration of a baroque sculpture. Les=Wood: revija o lesu in pohištvu, 56 (9). pp. 283-286. ISSN 0024-1067

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