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Marko Kovač and Mitja Skudnik and Anže Japelj and Špela Planinšek and Saša Vochl and Franc Batič and Damijana Kastelec and Dušan Jurc and Maja Jurc and Primož Simončič and Milan Kobal (2014) Monitoring gozdov in gozdnih ekosistemov: priročnik za terensko snemanje podatkov. Manual. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Založba Silva Slovenica , Ljubljana.

Helena Poličnik and Franc Batič (2007) Does the lichen flora already reflect changes in air quality in the Šalek valley after the construction of cleaning devices in the Šoštanj thermal powerplant?. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (82). pp. 15-23. ISSN 0351-3114

Mateja Jerše and Franc Batič (2007) Morphological analysis of pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) in Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (83). pp. 35-45. ISSN 0351-3114

Samar Al Sayegh-Petkovšek and Franc Batič and Cvetka Ribarič-Lasnik (2006) Biomonitoring of forest ecosystem in the emission area of the thermal power Plant Šoštanj. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (80). pp. 55-63. ISSN 0351-3114

Andreja Bienelli-Kalpič and Franc Batič and Primož Simončič (2006) Assessment of anthropogenic beech (Fagus sylvatica l.) stress in Zasavje area. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (81). pp. 73-82. ISSN 0351-3114

Tomaž Remic and Helena Šircelj and Boris Turk and Franc Batič (2002) Effects of troposphere ozone on wayfaring tree (Viburnum lantana L.). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (69). pp. 43-59. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič (2001) Impact of fire on species composition of vegetation in the cases of Karst and Istria in south-west Slovenia: a preliminary report. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (66). pp. 25-38. ISSN 0351-3114

Natalija Vidergar-Gorjup and Andrej Strniša and Franc Batič (2000) Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) damage in the Zasavje district of Slovenia evaluated by two methods. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (61). pp. 27-47. ISSN 0351-3114

Matjaž Čater and Franc Batič (1999) Some ecophysiological stress indicators of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the north easteren of Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 47-83. ISSN 0351-3114

Matjaž Čater and Primož Simončič and Franc Batič (1999) Pre-dawn water potential and nutritional status of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the north-east of Slovenia. Phyton: annales rei botanicae . pp. 13-22. ISSN 0079-2047

Dušan Jurc and Maja Jurc and Franc Batič and Igor Sirk (1998) Collection of fungi, lichens and higher plants on the Slovenian forestry institute. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (55). pp. 63-95. ISSN 0351-3114

Zorka Stolič and Franc Batič and Polona Kalan and Marjanca Nemec and Milan Valter Schara (1998) Damage estimation of trees with electron paramagnetic resonance of Mn (II) ions. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (55). pp. 97-112. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič (1997) Forest decline in Slovenia, an overview of the process and state of research after ten years of activities. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (52). pp. 5-22. ISSN 0351-3114

Andrej Strniša and Franc Batič (1997) The influence of emissions on the forests in the Zasavje. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (52). pp. 187-222. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič (1997) Propadanje hrasta v Sloveniji: zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela na področju temeljnega raziskovanja. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Hojka Kraigher and Franc Batič and Reinhard Agerer (1996) Types of ectomycorrhizae and mycobioindication of forest site pollution. Phyton: annales rei botanicae, 36 (3). pp. 115-120. ISSN 0079-2047

Franc Batič and Anton Kralj (1995) Bioindikacija onesnaženosti ozračja v gozdovih z epifitskimi lišaji. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (47). pp. 5-56. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič and Tomaž Sinkovič and Branka Javornik (1995) Morphological and genetic variability of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) populations in Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (46). pp. 75-96. ISSN 0351-3114

Marko Kovač and Primož Simončič and Nevenka Bogataj and Franc Batič and Dušan Jurc and Milan Hočevar (1995) Monitoring propadanja gozdov in gozdnih ekosistemov: priročnik za terensko snemanje podatkov. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Franc Batič and Barbara Kruhar-Lorger and Marijana Grube and Hans Mayrhofr (1995) Katalog lišajev mikoteke in herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije: poročilo. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Ivan Smole and Franc Batič (1995) Katalog višjih rastlin herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije: poročilo. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Maja Jurc and Franc Batič and Dušan Jurc and Hojka Kraigher and Igor Sirk and Tone Kralj (1994) Mikoteka in herbarij Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Franc Batič and Dušan Jurc and Janko Kalan and Marko Kovač and Anton Kralj and Vid Mikulič (1994) Impact of polluted gasses from Thermal Power Plant in Šoštanj, Slovenia, on forest environment:a brief expertise on cause-consequence relationship in forest decline studies carried out on Slovenian Forestry Institute: world bank report: expertise. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Franc Batič and Ivan Smole (1994) Katalog višjih rastlin herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije: poročilo. Other. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Franc Batič and Marietta Koch and Barbara Kruhar-Lorger and Martin Grube (1994) Katalog lišajev mikoteke in herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije: poročilo. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.

Franc Batič and Cvetka Ribarič-Lasnik and Barbara Kruhar-Lorger and Dieter Grill and Edith Stabentheiner and Helmut Mayrhofer and Marietta Koch and Martin Grube (1993) Bioindikation in belasteten und unbelasteten Gebieten. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Alenka Kmecl and Franc Batič (1992) Morphological and anatomical changes of Norway spruce needles (Picea abies (L.)Karst.) in the Šoštanj steam power plant influence area. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (39). pp. 117-132. ISSN 0351-3114

Ivan Smole and Franc Batič (1992) The importance of morphological characteristics for identification of oak species. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (39). pp. 133-172. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič and Tone Kralj (1990) Bioindikacija onesnaženosti zraka na temelju analize fotosinteznih barvil v iglicah smreke (Picea abies / L. / Karst.). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (36). pp. 79-106. ISSN 0351-3114

Franc Batič and Cvetka Ribarič Lasnik (1990) Ekofiziološke lastnosti smreke / Picea abies (L.) Karst./ na vplivnem območju termoelektrarne Šoštanj. Project Report. Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo , Ljubljana.

Franc Batič and Tone Kralj (1989) Bioindikacija onesnaženosti zraka z epifitsko lišajsko vegetacijo pri inventurah propadanja gozdov. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (34). pp. 51-70. ISSN 0351-3114

Maja Jurc and Maja Jurc and Janko Kalan and Franc Batič (1989) Osnovni podatki popisa propadanja gozdov v letu 1989: gradivo za novinarsko konferenco. Project Report. Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo pri Biotehniški fakulteti , Ljubljana.

Stana Hočevar and Franc Batič and Andrej Martinčič and Milan Piskernik (1980) Drugotni nižinski pragozd Krakovo v Krakovskem gozdu : ( Mikroflora, vegetacija in ekologija). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (18). pp. 5-144. ISSN 0351-3114

Stana Hočevar and Franc Batič and Andrej Martinčič and Milan Piskernik (1980) The virgan forest in the frost depression Prelesnikova koliševka. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (18). pp. 145-252. ISSN 0351-3114

Stana Hočevar and Franc Batič and Andrej Martinčič and Milan Piskernik (1980) Panonska pragozdova Donačka gora in Belinovec : ( Mikroflora, vegetacija in ekologija). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (18). pp. 253-358. ISSN 0351-3114

Stana Hočevar and Franc Batič and Andrej Martinčič and Milan Piskernik (1980) Mikoflora v pragozdovih Slovenije. Project Report. Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo pri Biotehniški fakulteti , Ljubljana.

Tanja Mrak and Zdenka Šlejkovec and Zvonka Jeran and Franc Batič Arsenate and phosphate relationships during the uptake in lichens. In: 6th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with international participation, 11.-12.9.2014, Hoče, Slovenia.

Franc Batič Bioindikacija onesnaženosti zraka z epifitskimi lišaji -I.. Project Report. Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo pri Biotehniški fakulteti , Ljubljana.

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