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Number of items: 30.


Marko Accetto (1999) New findings about the distribution and sites of Pulmonaria stiriaca Kerner in the Bela krajina region (Slovenia). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 85-104. ISSN 0351-3114

Marko Accetto (1999) Asociacija carici sempervirentis-Pinetum nigraea (Accetto 1996) Accetto 1999 nom.nov. v Sloveniji (ob stoletnici rojstva prvega slovenskega fitocenologa univ. prof. Gabrijela Tomažiča). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 107-151. ISSN 0351-3114


Robert Brus and Sonja Horvat-Marolt and Ladislav Paule (1999) Genetic variation of the beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Slovenia and comparison with its variation in Central and Southeastern Europe : Dissertation thesis. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 85-106. ISSN 0351-3114


Miran Čas (1999) Spatial endangerment of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) populations in Slovenia in 1998. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 5-52. ISSN 0351-3114

Matjaž Čater and Franc Batič (1999) Some ecophysiological stress indicators of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the north easteren of Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 47-83. ISSN 0351-3114

Matjaž Čater and Primož Simončič and Franc Batič (1999) Pre-dawn water potential and nutritional status of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the north-east of Slovenia. Phyton: annales rei botanicae . pp. 13-22. ISSN 0079-2047

Katarina Čufar and Tom Levanič (1999) Tree-ring investigations in oak and ash from different sites in Slovenia. Phyton: annales rei botanicae, 39 (3). pp. 113-116. ISSN 0079-2047

Katarina Čufar and Tom Levanič and Anton Velušček (1999) Dendrochronological investigations in the pile dwelling Parte - Iščica, Ljubljana moor, Slovenia. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 165-188. ISSN 0351-3114


Marko Debeljak (1999) Dead trees in the virgin forest of Pečka. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 5-31. ISSN 0351-3114

Jurij Diaci (1999) Solar radiation measurements in forest- I. evaluation of methods and instruments. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 105-138. ISSN 0351-3114

Jurij Diaci and Jean-Jacques Thormann and Uroš Kolar (1999) Meritve sončnega sevanja v gozdu - II. Metode na osnovi projekcij hemisfere neba in krošenj. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 177-210. ISSN 0351-3114


Franc Ferlin and Nike Krajnc and Lado Kutnar and Matjaž Čater (1999) Biotska pestrost gozdov v novejših mednarodnih in domačih pravnih dokumentih. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 237-279. ISSN 0351-3114


Milan Hočevar and Leon Behin (1999) Zaključno poročilo: UN - ECE/FAO temperate and boreal forest resources assessment 2000 for Slovenia. Other. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije.


Boštjan Košir (1999) Life cycle assessment of products in forestry. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 89-120. ISSN 0351-3114

Hojka Kraigher and Gregor Božič and Matjaž Čater and Miran Čas and Dušan Jurc and Maja Jurc and Polona Kalan and Lado Kutnar and Tone Kralj and Robert Robek and Primož Simončič and Igor Smolej and Sašo Žitnik and Magda Špenko and Andrej Hren (1999) Raziskave gozdnih tal in rizosfere ter njihov vpliv na nekatere fiziološke parametre gozdnega drevja v izbranih gozdnih ekosistemih, sestojnih tipih in razvojnih stadijih gozda: elaborat. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.

Darij Krajčič (1999) The extent of investments into the Slovenian forests. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 33-54. ISSN 0351-3114

Janez Krč (1999) The influence of a road on increasing the forest yield according to a computer model calculation. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 121-139. ISSN 0351-3114

Janez Krč (1999) Analysis of forest quantities and species composition alterations using two different methods with comparision. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 211-236. ISSN 0351-3114


Tom Levanič (1999) Computer assisted image analysis of micro- and macroobjects. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 141-167. ISSN 0351-3114


Robert Mavsar (1999) Slovenian forest condition survey on the 16x16 km grid in 1998, changes in the period from 1987-1998 and forest condition in other european countries. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 139-163. ISSN 0351-3114


Leon Oblak (1999) Methodology of solving economic and environmental protection problems in wood industry companies. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 169-188. ISSN 0351-3114

Primož Oven (1999) Response of tree tissues to wounding and infection 2. the cambial zone. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 189-217. ISSN 0351-3114


Boštjan Pokorny (1999) Vrednotenje prisotnosti damjaka (Dama dama) na ugrezninskem območju velenjskega premogovnika. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 53-83. ISSN 0351-3114


Robert Robek and Igor Potočnik and Darij Krajčič (1999) The alterations of roadway shape after different modes of periodic maintenance of forest road. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (60). pp. 153-175. ISSN 0351-3114


Kevin T. Smith and Katarina Čufar and Tom Levanič (1999) Temporal stability and dendroclimatology in silver fir and red spruce. Phyton: annales rei botanicae, 39 (3). pp. 117-122. ISSN 0079-2047

Igor Smolej and Igor Dakskobler and Primož Simončič and Tone Kralj and Irena Tavčar (1999) Okolje in naravne danosti Baške grape: poročilo o delu v letu 1999. Project Report. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Ljubljana.


Niko Torelli and W.C. Shortle and Katarina Čufar and Franc Ferlin and K.T. Smith (1999) Detecting changes in tree health and productivity of silver fir in Slovenia. European journal of forest pathology, 29 (3). pp. 189-197. ISSN 0300-1237


Mihej Urbančič and Franc Ferlin and Lado Kutnar (1999) Investigation of diversity and productivity of forest sites in the Sežana-Komen Karst region. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (58). pp. 5-45. ISSN 0351-3114


Jože Velnar and Igor Smolej and Primož Simončič and Robert Mavsar and Polona Kalan and Lado Kutnar and Mihej Urbančič and Andrej Breznikar and Dušan Jurc and Maja Jurc and Matjaž Čater and Tom Levanič and Hojka Kraigher and Goetz Palfner and Franc Ferlin and Sašo Žitnik and Claudine Muller and Anton Lejko (1999) Raziskave nižinskih hrastovih gozdov : III. delavnica Javne gozdarske službe z mednarodno udeležbo : Murska Sobota, 12.-13.oktober 1999. In: Raziskave nižinskih hrastovih gozdov : III. delavnica Javne gozdarske službe z mednarodno udeležbo, Murska Sobota.


Sašo Žitnik and Hojka Kraigher (1999) The role of phytic acid in storage of acorns of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.). Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (59). pp. 55-87. ISSN 0351-3114

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